What Can a Coach Do for Your Business

5 Nov 2019
D. Skoglund

A coach enhances your natural ability.  A coach helps you see and do what you can’t see and do on your own.  A coach can lead you to reach your full potential.  In the opinion of ex-Dallas Cowboys football coach Tom Landry, “A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”

The former Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, was quoted advising that new CEOs would do well to “hire a coach.”  He went on to say “once I realized I could trust him (the coach) and that he could help me with perspective, I decided it was a great idea.”

5 ways a coach can help you achieve positive change

  1. Define your current reality by helping you consider – What is my present situation? What are my core values? What are my strengths and behavioral preferences? Can I be better aligned?
  1. Clarify your vision and goals. Many people continually react to their current reality rather than living and working with purpose.  A coach will first lead you to define what success looks like to you so you can set goals toward achieving it.
  1. Identify barriers to your vision. We all have a few blind spots and gremlins (that negative voice inside you) that can slow our success.  A coach can help you identify, acknowledge and address these roadblocks to maximize your success.
  1. Test your thinking, opinions, conclusions, and behavior.  It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same things and thinking the same way while expecting different results.
  1. Establish accountability by helping you evaluate – Am I making progress?  Am I growing?  Am I accomplishing my vision?  Many get off track because they confuse intent or activity with progress.  A coach helps you accomplish what you set out to accomplish.

Who do you have to coach you, to ask you the tough questions on a regular basis?  If you’ve been toying with the idea of working with a coach, now may be the time.  Call us for a no obligation, exploratory coaching session so you can experience for yourself the benefits of executive coaching.