Products and services are what your business sells. Your people are what make your business and you successful!
All great companies have great people. They also have great communication channels. Employees of these companies understand and buy into the mission and goals of the organization. Employees of these companies also have the ability to utilize their strengths and expertise in a variety of ways that allow them to grow and prosper.
Great companies also have great leaders. We help managers become better leaders.
Stephen Covey said “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”
Two of the tools that we use to help managers become better leaders are Everything DiSC and StrengthsFinder. Everything DiSC provides a detailed report of a person behavioral preferences and how they interact with others. StrengthsFinder is a tool that provides a person with an analysis of their strengths and how best to use them.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Gallup State of the American Workforce
If American companies were simply to double the number of engaged workers from one-third to two-thirds, spirited employees would reverse our seriously declining national productivity. America needs to historically transform the practice of management. Click below to access this report and see what the research shows.